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Intercept (non-WLS): convergence1.177<0.001***
WLS: convergence0.771<0.01**
non-WLS: divergence0.9090.02*
WLS: divergence-1.0410.01*
Parametric coefficients for a linear mixed-effects model predicting normalized sound change based on a binary distinction between the Westphalian Low Saxon (WLS) group and the other dialect groups.
Proportions of normalized sound change predicted based on geography using PMI-based weights. Red: more change. Blue: less change. Full phonetic symbol inventory vs. iteratively combined symbol inventory.
The geographical distribution of the speakers who transfer the regional language (Frisian vs. Low Saxon) to their children. Based on a logistic generalized additive model predicting the likelihood of intergenerational transfer based on a two-dimensional smooth from geographical coordinates. A value of -2, 0, or 2 indicates a probability of respectively 12%, 50%, and 88%


Marginal effect of more positive language attitudes for Frisian (FR) and Low Saxon (LS) speakers on the predicted probability of regional language transfer to children.